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长株潭大市场位于长株潭城市群中心区域——昭山开发区株易路口。它距长沙、株洲、湘潭三市均约20公里。处于三市融城的中心位置。107、320国道在此交汇,京珠、上瑞高速紧靠大市场。距长株潭三市京广、湘黔线车站、武广专线车站和黄花机场亦只有20-30分钟车程。整个大市场占地1735亩,已建成商业铺面2800套,20万平方米的配套仓库和三个大型停车场。是一个集百货、家电、五金、文化用品、小商品、日化、酒水、食品、布匹、纸品、摩托车及配件为一体的面向全国的综合性批发市场。 摩托车配件批发城就在大市场的东南面,占地400余亩。共有专业经营铺面300余套,从名牌发动机到各式男女装二轮、三轮摩托车,助力车的名优部件、机油、附件、运动摩托车改装件及各种精品外观装饰件等,应有尽有。摩配城和大市场西北面的我省唯一的摩托车批发城交相呼应,相得益彰。市场内银行、物流、通讯和邮政等完善的服务配套系统,方便了市场,更促进了市场的发展。在昭山开发区和大市场开发公司及其物业部门的积极支持下,大市场内最早成立的摩配城商会和党支部率领全体会员和共产党员一起积极地开展了市场的自治管理和招商工作。几年来,摩配成的建设和发展都取得了长足的进步,现在摩配城已成为本省最具活力,最具发展前景的最大的摩配批发大市场了。 随着二00七年长株潭三市被国务院发改委批准为国家两型社会试点区以来,省委、省府进一步加大了对市场的规划与建设。今年,连通长潭的芙蓉大道和株洲的红易大道已全面动工,上瑞高速在大市场新增出口,明年底前将相继竣工全面通车。年底将动工的三城市轻轨也将在大市场旁边设站。省府在大市场内规划兴建的大型物流中心和市场开发公司拟新2000套门面和30万平方米的配套仓库也在计划实施之中。 随着三市融城和两型社会的全面提速,长株潭大市场和摩配城新一轮的黄金发展机遇已经到来。我们热忱欢迎各界有识之士和同仁来此投资置业,共乘三市融城发展的东风,同奔共同致富的康庄大道! Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration big market in the central area - Zhaoshan Zone strains Yi junctions. It is away from Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan cities are about 20 km away. The three cities in the center position. 107,320 State Road at this intersection, the Beijing-Zhuhai, close to the Swiss high-speed large market. Three cities from Guangzhou, Hunan and Guizhou Line station, Wuhan-Guangzhou line station and Huanghua Airport is also only a 20-30 minute drive away. Large market covers the whole 1735 acres, has built commercial pavement 2800 units, 200,000 square meters of warehouses and three supporting large car park. Is a collection of department stores, home appliances, hardware, stationery, commodity, cosmetic, drinks, food, cloth, paper, motorcycles and accessories for the country as one of the integrated wholesale market. Motorcycle accessories wholesale market in the big city on the southeast, an area of ​​400 acres. There are more than 300 sets of professional management of pavement, from the engine to the variety of brands for men and women two, three motorcycles, mopeds of the famous parts, oil, accessories, sports and various pieces of motorcycle conversion fine appearance and other decorative pieces, everything. Motorcycle City and the largest market for the sole province of the northwestern side of the motorcycle wholesale city echoes each other. Market banking, logistics, telecommunications and postal services, such as improving matching system to facilitate the market, but also to promote the development of the market. In Zhaoshan market development zones and large companies and their active support of the property sector, a large market town within the earliest established Motorcycle Association and the Communist Party branch led all members and active in the market with autonomous management and investment work. In recent years, Motorcycle into the construction and development have made great progress, and now the city has become the province Motorcycle most dynamic, the most promising of the largest wholesale market of Motorcycle. With the three cities in 2007 by the State Council Development and Reform Commission approved as a national pilot area since the two types of society, provincial, provincial government to further increase the market planning and construction. This year, connectivity Zhuzhou Changtanhe hibiscus red Yi Avenue and Avenue has been fully started, the Swiss high speed in a large new export markets, will have been completed before the end of next year fully operational. Will commence at the end of the three S-Bahn will also be a big market next to the station. The provincial government in the large market planning to build a large logistics center and market development company intends 2000 sets new facade and 300,000 square meters of warehouses are also supporting the implementation of the scheme being. With the three cities and two-oriented society full speed, Tan big market and a new round of Gold Motorcycle City development opportunities has arrived. We warmly welcome all people of insight and colleagues come to invest and develop the three cities ride the wind, the broad road of common prosperity with Ben!
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市场介绍/Market Introduction
摩托车配件批发城就在大市场的东南面,占地400余亩。共有专业经营铺面300余套,从名牌发动机到各式男女装二轮、三轮摩托车,助力车的名优部件、机油、附件、运动摩托车改装件及各种精品外观装饰件等,应有尽有。摩配城和大市场西北面的我省唯一的摩托车批发城交相呼应,相得益彰。市场内银行、物流、通讯和邮政等完善的服务配套系统,方便了市场,更促进了市场的发展。在昭山开发区和大市场开发公司及其物业部门的积极支持下,大市场内最早成立的摩配城商会和党支部率领全体会员和共产党员一起积极地开展了市场的自治管理和招商工作。几年来,摩配成的建设和发展都取得了... [详细介绍]
品牌展示/Brand exhibition

